A single-URL browser monitor is used to check availability and performance of a single page of your website or web application.
You need a browser clickpath to ensure key functionality is available and performing well.
You need to add Dynatrace plugin - “Install Dynatrace Synthetic Recorder” to record clickpath and enable “Add to incognito mode”. You can also add Manual click path events.
Once you add and refresh Dynatrace page, Click “Record Clickpath” and perform the steps to complete the workflow or function you want to monitor.
Additional step
Once you record, if you want to Add any steps manually in between, choose synthetic event type from the following list.
It is recommended that you play back the clickpath before committing your changes.
Click frequency and locations, then save
You can edit already exisiting synthetic scripts.
Key performance metrics Select the key performance metric that best represents the user experience of this synthetic monitor. Visually complete is the default metric for load and XHR actions. It measures how long it takes for the visible portion of each user’s browser screen to be fully rendered. The key performance metric for custom actions is always User action duration.
Recorded Clickpath</ins</b> Add / edit / change clickpath events. You can change configuration like waittime for next action, element locator to identify CSS & DOM elements etc for each clickpath event.
Outage handling and thresholds for generating availability and performance problems can be configured after monitor creation.
If 3 of the 5 most recent executions exceed any of the defined thresholds, a problem is created.
It allows to fine tune the behavior of synthetic browser monitors.
Owner access only option to make credentials available to other users with credential vault access.
Script mode provide access to the underlying JSON script for configuration of browser monitors.
ctrl+space for auto populating the code.
You can monitor endpoints that do n’t directly expose a front end. These can be APIs used by your mobile apps or health check endpoints provided by microservices.
Choose the options & then save.
2 types of HTTP Monitors
For OAuth2 authorization request, provide access token & POST parameters in the request body.
The Oauth2 request needs to be before the subsequent HTTP request that query the API end point.
These need to create on Environment ActiveGates.
Synthetic-enabled ActiveGates enable you to set up private Synthetic locations from which you can execute synthetic monitors to monitor your internal as well as external resources.
Select Activegate from drop down or Install Active gate and select Activegate from drop down.
Open HTTP monitor and edit for other configurations.
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