

A sampler’s purpose is to lower the load (or the amount of created traces), and to reduce costs.

OpenTelemetry can perform sampling depending on the amount of traces/traffic you want to send. (ie. take only 10% of the traces).

We may pay more for more data, which leads high cost from the relevant cloud provider/vendor.

In terms of performance, the unsampled spans are being collected but not being sent, thus reducing the load of sending them in the network and some CPU/memory of the process that sends them as a result.

We only need some of traces (most of the time) are enough to understand patterns in services and gain better insights.


Head-based sampling

Decide you want to sample or not upfront, at the beginning of the trace.

Tail-based sampling

Decide to sample at the end of the entire flow, when we already gathered the data. This type of sampling is done at the collector.

OpenTelemetry Samplers

You can implement sampling is through “Samplers”.

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