
Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector

If you are ingesting logs through universal forwarders, you can now install “Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector” wishing to expand to Observability through deployment server to collect traces and metrics. With this add-on, you can quickly gain deep insight into the health, structure, and status of your technical infrastructure and services with Splunk Observability Cloud, and you can more easily manage your OpenTelemetry Collector agents at scale.

You can deploy, update, and configure OpenTelemetry Collector agents in the same manner as any technical add-on.

Installation instruction

  1. Download “Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector” and deploy through Splunk Deployment server.
  2. Create a folder local in the app
  3. COpen configuration folder and copy access_token file into local directory.
  4. Copy inputs.conf file from default directory to local directory.
  5. Update the inputs.conf accordingly (Ex below)
    • splunk_config = the default value is $SPLUNK_OTEL_TA_HOME/configs/ta-agent-config.yaml`
    • disabled = the default value is false
    • start_by_shell = the default value is false
    • splunk_access_token_file = the default value is access_token
    • splunk_realm = default value is us0. A realm is a self-contained deployment that hosts organizations. You can find your realm name on your profile page in the user interface.
    • splunk_trace_ingest_url = the default value is
  6. Deploy the app through serverclass.conf

Configuration instruction

The Splunk Add-on for OpenTelemetry Collector does not perform automatic tracing, however, you can manually configure tracing.

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