
Data types in Splunk Observability Cloud

Metrics - Is a measurement about a data source (host, application) that varies over time.

Events - Context added to metric data. Events are very basic. You can’t apply analytic functions to events, but you can plot them based on their metadata.

Traces and spans - A collection of operations, known as spans, that represent a unique transaction an application handles.

Logs - Automatic, time-stamped record of a relevant event or activity. Log ingestion is configured for each feature.

Metrics, data points, and metric time series

In Splunk Observability Cloud, metric data consists of a numerical measurement called a metric, the metric type, and one or more dimensions. Each piece of data in this form is a data point.

A metric time series (MTS)

MTS contains all the data points that have the same metric name, metric type, and set of dimensions. Observability Cloud automatically creates MTS from incoming data points.

Ex: Data point 1
name - cpu.utilisation
type - gauge
value - 85
  hostname - server1
  location - Tokyo
timestamp - 124534534534544

Data point 2
name - cpu.utilisation
type - gauge
value - 75
  hostname - server1
  location - Tokyo
timestamp - 124534534534544

Data points

A data point contains a metric name and value, the type of the metric, and the dimensions of the metric.

Ex: { “gauge” [ {“metric”: “cpu.utilisation”, “dimensions”: { “host”: “host-abc”, “location”: “Tokyo” }, “value”: 85} ] }


A metric is a measurable number that varies over time.

Metric type

There are three types of metrics:

Rollups A statistical function (count, max, min, sum, latest & lag) applied to all data points in a Metric Time Series over a period of time and are applied at the time of ingest.

Metric categories

There are about 20 metric categories in Splunk Observability Cloud. Metric category, especially metrics categorized as custom, can impact billing.

Metric resolution

By default, metrics are processed by Observability Cloud at the coarser of their native resolution, or at 10-second resolution.

Optionally, metrics can be ingested at a higher resolution of 1 second. High-resolution metrics enable exceptionally fine-grained and low-latency visibility and alerting for your infrastructure, applications, and business performance.


Retention period is officially managed in days since the length of each month is different.

Metric metadata

Metrics can have associated metadata such as dimensions, custom properties, or tags.

  1. Dimensions: (Infra merics) Sent in with metric time series (MTS) at the time of ingest to add context to metrics. If you change dimension name, a new MTS is created (Broken History).
    • Ex: HTTP Method - Get, post, put. Or endpoint - /api/v1/health
    • Its a key value pair and can be used to filter or group by.
  2. Custom properties: (Infra merics) Applied to metric dimensions after ingest to add context to the metrics.
    • Ex: aws_intstance_id = xxxx,, ServerName = Splunk-server, OperatingSystem = windows.
    • Its a key value pair and can be used to filter or group by.
  3. Tags: (Infra merics): Labels or keywords applied to metric dimensions and custom properties after ingest to help you categorize them. You can use tags to filter MTSes in charts and detectors using sf_tags.
    • Ex: “Error Type” (Database error, Network error etc).
    • Its a keyword and can be used to filter.
  4. Attributes or span tags: (APM, Collector merics, span) Annotation to carry information about the operation being tracked.
    • Attributes in OpenTelemetry
    • Attributes in Splunk APM: Splunk APM collects incoming spans into traces and analyzes them to give you full fidelity access to your application data. ex: unique_id = bc4t6t8ic5t1tc47t6b46t.
    • Attributes in Splunk RUM


Creating properties/tags