

A detector is the object you create to detect issues based on one or more rules.

You can create Detecttor from

Creating Custom Detector


Muting Notification

Or you can see all muting rules as below

Use property for specific condition (i.e. matching some conditions)

Organising Users in Splunk Observability Cloud

Organise users into team in Splunk Observability Cloud. Each team has easy access to dashboard groups and alerts that are most relevant to them

Managing Teams

Creating Teams

<img src=”Images/teams.jpg>

<img src=”Images/teams-1.jpg>

Linking Dashboard

<img src=”Images/teams-2.jpg>

Alert & Detectors

<img src=”Images/teams-3.jpg>

<img src=”Images/teams-4.jpg>

Notification Policy

A notification policy sends a request to an external service to notify a user or group of users that the event has occurred.

<img src=”Images/teams-5.jpg>

Switch to general notification (Based on serverity)

<img src=”Images/teams-6.jpg>

Creating APM Detector: