
Monitoring Services

Monitoring Services

Service page contains:

Classic view:

New view:

Service Monitoring:

Path: Select service which need for monitoring -> … (Top right corner) -> Settings

Smartscape view:

Details about service

Exploring Metrics

Disk Space:

JVM Thread Count:

Exploring Service flow

It illustrates how each components contributes to overall response time of a service. It does not necessarily show the order in which calls were made relative to one another across services.

Dynatrace aggregates services with low response time contribution to improve data readability

Additional details about perticular services, select service and choose the required options for further details.

Exploring PurePaths

Purepath distributed traces combine distributed tracing with code-level visibility, topology information and metadata to provide the highest level of data granularity and fidelity.

Purepath is the execution of a single service request or the execution of a single class method or function.

Exploring Backtrace

When troubleshooting a service, it can be helpful to know the sequence of service calls that lead up to each request. Dynatrace can show you call sequences all the way back to the browser click that triggers the sequence of calls.

Select any service to see Requests & Instances.

Multidimesntional Analysis

Dynatrace provide flexible views of transactions and services through the multidimensional analysis tool. This enables users to compare and contrast deep-dive details of a wide range of perspectives.

Charting with the Data Explorer

Data explorer greatly enhance abilities to query and chart metrics.

Exception Analysis

This will allow you to see which exceptions occurred during selected timeframe.

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