Application & Microservices
Dynatrace Application performance monitoring
Service vs process:
Web and mobile applications are built upon services that process requests like web requests, web service calls, and messaging. Such “server-side services” can take the form of web services, web containers, database requests, custom services, and more. Services may in turn call other services.
Processes are essentially containers that host services. When you look at processes, you’re seeing topology information, whereas services give you code-level insight. For example, you might have a Tomcat process that hosts a web application in the form of a server-side service. While processes are host-centric, associated with a single machine in your environment, services are request-centric and therefore typically span multiple machines in a data center.
Process groups:
Dynatrace automatically merges related processes into process groups. A “process group” is a logical cluster of processes that belong to the same application or deployment unit and perform the same function across multiple hosts. Process groups are key building blocks of most modern web-based applications.
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